
Westworld Title Sequence


The title sequence contains very mature subjects such as sex appeal, violence (represented with the red blood) and the use of creating human like robots. All of this would lead me to believe it is for an age range above 18.


Watching the title sequence I believe that it contains no features that will appeal to one gender over
another and would appeal to all. 

However, in some aspects the gender could be argued to skewer to the male gender as it is a western based showed with slight futuristic aspects which is not typically marketed at woman.


As you watch this title sequence, it becomes apparent that the use of technology which is far ahead
of where humanity is currently at with tech is heavily involved. This would be a heavy indication to
the fact that someone who lives quite a 'tech savvy' lifestyle would be drawn to watch westworld.

Favourite book/film/game

The sequence is slow, and almost like a bit of a puzzle where you are trying to work out just what to
expect. I believe its nothing like anything else I have seen before. The opening titles indicate to me
that the kind of person to read and watch thriller, action and puzzle genres.

Something they like to do at the weekend

I'd imagine the audience of this series to play video games at the weekend or watch movies.

Where they go on Holiday

I would imagine, as the use of technology is very heavy in the sequence they would like to go
somewhere very urban, like a city.


This show presents many worries as it shows how humans can be overturned by human created artificial intelligence and robots. The fact the artificial intelligence was originally created to be enslaved and treated however the humans want as they are not real humans. It creates people worrying as they see the 'worst come scenario' about what could happen if this was to happen in real life.


I imagine the typical person to be watching this series would be in a higher paying job, likely working
in an office job.

Dress Sense

They probably dress either very well or very casual.


I would imagine the viewer having either no interest in politics or very strong views towards one party.

Spending Power

I would Imagine this person would have a good amount to spend every week on leisure activities.
Somewhere between £50-£100 a week.



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