
Showing posts from September, 2020


Westworld Title Sequence Age The title sequence contains very mature subjects such as sex appeal, violence (represented with the red blood) and the use of creating human like robots. All of this would lead me to believe it is for an age range above 18. Gender Watching the title sequence I believe that it contains no features that will appeal to one gender over another and would appeal to all.  However, in some aspects the gender could be argued to skewer to the male gender as it is a western based showed with slight futuristic aspects which is not typically marketed at woman. Lifestyle As you watch this title sequence, it becomes apparent that the use of technology which is far ahead of where humanity is currently at with tech is heavily involved. This would be a heavy indication to the fact that someone who lives quite a 'tech savvy' lifestyle would be drawn to watch westworld. Favourite book/film/game The sequence is slow, and almost like a bit of a puzzle where you are tryin


  1. What were you asked to make We were asked to create a flying spaceship video following a tutorial on youtube. 2. How might this be useful? This will be useful as it taught me new skills such as the wiggle position movement. 3. Which font did you use, why I used the font Arial for its simple jagged style which I believed was fitting for news. 4. How might a different font/look suit a different audience/film genre I believe in this type of video, a cinematic title, the font plays a massive part is giving off the idea of what the look/feel. For examaple, a cartoony, curvy font would probably give off a less cinematic vibe and more of a jolly light hearted one. 5. Did you need any help? If so, who did you turn to - peer/teacher/google etc? Or did you solve it yourself with some playing around? I did it by myself, other than referring to the tutorial we had to use. 6. What did you learn I learnt how to make a layer 'wiggle' by using the wiggle exspression in the position keyfra

Cinematic Title Sequence

  1. What were you asked to make We were asked to create a cinematic title sequence following a tutorial on youtube. 2. How might this be useful to making your own title sequence This will be useful when it comes to making my own title sequence because it has taught me new skills in after effects which I did not know before. 3. Which font did you use, why I used the font Azonix because it gave of a very dramatic feel which was fitting for a cinematic title sequence. 4. How might a different font/look suit a different audience/film genre I believe in this type of video, a cinematic title, the font plays a massive part is giving off the idea of what the look/feel. For examaple, a cartoony, curvy font would probably give off a less cinematic vibe and more of a jolly light hearted one. 5. Did you need any help? If so, who did you turn to - peer/teacher/google etc? Or did you solve it yourself with some playing around? I did it by myself, other than referring to the tutorial we had to use.